Monday, August 16, 2010

Pregnancy Doesn't Have to Suck

During a recent visit to Barnes & Noble I took a friend's advice and read about half of a book cleverly entitled Pregnancy Sucks, thinking it would provide both information and humor. Big mistake. There were certain sentences and descriptions in that book that will be with me for quite a while. Sigh.

From the beginning, I knew I needed to prepare myself for the wealth of questions, opinions, stories, advice, and comments that would come my way. (Given the recent growth spurt of my belly, I feel I need to kick that preparation into overdrive.) Despite my best efforts, I still find myself frequently UN-prepared for some of the things people throw at me. Please, don't tell me the horror story of your pregnancy/birth, nor that of your sister or your best friend. I'm fairly aware of the things that could go wrong and the various discomforts that may be headed my way. But thank you for reminding me of just HOW bad it could get.

The only reason I broach this subject is because of the super awesome comment I received today from a female co-worker ... "I can tell that your hips are spreading." Followed by, "And they'll never go back." No, I don't expect they will. But back to the original comment. "I can tell that your hips are spreading." Huh? What?

The lesson(s) I think I have learned? As they say, take it all with a grain of salt; be patient and be a good sport; don't totally discount it all because someone may have a gem of advice; think twice before I share my own pearls of "wisdom" with other ladies.

But, seriously, please ... don't EVER tell me my hips are spreading.


Anonymous said...

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! As long as I live, I will never cease to be amazed at how little people consider the effects of what they are saying!! The mouth is indeed a dangerous thing! Please don't listen to all those naysayers...enjoy your does not's a wonderful, blessed time! Love you, Mom S.

becca j massey said...

Thanks mom!!! : )

Anonymous said...

Dear Becca,

I second what Mom said, so many of us do not engage the brain before we speak...

If, you need some help send'em to me I'll be glad to handle their sicko crap. I'll show'em what it is to rain on someone's parade intentionally... Smoke'm if you got'em (Pun intended) Dingbats!!!

[[ :^)