But with a few swift key strokes, my neglect is remedied.
Here I am around 34 weeks pregnant. Don't I look thrilled!
Our fabulous doctor says all is progressing well; I'm looking good and baby is looking good. I've gained about forty some pounds at this point. I'm still amazed at my girth. I keep waiting for it to stop (or at least slow down) but each appoointment tips the scale further and further east towards those bug numbers. Stuff I've read says the average weight gain at this stage in pregnancy is 25-30 pounds. RUBBISH! But enough about me and my weight ...
Here's baby! Not much detail in this image, but you can see his arm (sort of) and his little nose and mouth. Our fabulous doctor believes baby will arrive on schedule and is predicting baby will arrive around the 8th or 9th. (Official due date is January 7th.) THAT IS A MONTH FROM NOW. Oh ... my ... goodness.
Side note: Hot chocolate is my new favorite thing. Cannot get enough!

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