Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'll Trade You an Orange for an Avocado

This week we have an avocado. I love avocados! (Though an orange seems much larger to me than an avocado.) Regardless, I am undeniably growing larger - no matter what size of fruit Baby is. My "regular" clothes are getting tighter and tighter. During my work days, all I can think of is getting home to my glorious comfy, stretchy pants. It's a better feeling than taking your shoes off at the end of the day or having a shower after yard work. Seriously.

Collin's side of the closet is looking better and better. He's been hanging on to some clothes from his skinny kid college days. This may be the perfect way to reintroduce them to the wardrobe. Hopefully I don't ruin them with all the food I keep managing to spill on myself. Or rip them on all the furniture I keep running into and tripping over. I can't help but wonder, if this is me at five months of pregnancy ... what sort of damage will I inflict at eight months?! Yes, we're "child proofing" the house.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

So Much for the Blueberry

This week we have an orange. An orange! That seems SO large to me. I know I still have a long way to go but an orange seems really big, especially when only a few weeks ago we were at the olive stage. No exaggeration, it seems I get bigger by the day ... or by the week, at the least. Just the difference between this week and last week is startling. My clothes are getting tighter. I'm getting that look from people ... is she getting fat, or is that a baby bump? And I have to admit, this amuses me to no end.

I am thankful for the abundant physical changes because it helps encourage our excitement and helps the reality of this sink in. Though I try to fight it (sometimes with a very clenched fist), I know the Lord is gently nudging me towards enthusiasm and joy about Baby Massey.

Just a reminder: it's a baby, not a fetus.

Most of the information I've read thus far states that women can feel the baby move anywhere between 14-26 weeks. Uh, that seems like a very large gap. So basically at some point in your pregnancy, you're going to feel the baby move. Thank you, experts. They also write that women with thinner, smaller frames may feel movement earlier on. It's been described as popcorn popping, gas bubbling, goldfish swimming. Right. Because I know what popcorn popping and swimming goldfish feel like. So gas bubbling it is.

This weekend, at some point in my long hours of sleep, I felt some of those said gas bubbles (which occur with more frequency now than blinking). BUT ... these were different; a little higher up and more like a flutter than a bubble. It's happened about four times this weekend, and all while I was lying down. Could it be that I felt Baby move!?!? This morning I felt a BIG flutter. Call it what you may; fluttering, bubbling, swimming, punching, gurgling ... I felt it. Good morning to you, too, kiddo. Sure, I'll get my lazy rear out of bed and go eat something.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Gain Some, Lose Some

A few short months ago I scored a super cute pair of gray corduroys at Banana Republic. And they were on sale! I cannot tell you how excited I was (and still am) about these pants. I have wanted corduroys for years but never purchased a pair for various reasons. But this pair of corduroys ... well, they were perfect. Great color. Great fit. And I mentioned they were on sale, right? Insanely cheap. I - LOVE - THESE - PANTS.

Fast forward to last week. I had put the treasured corduroys aside for the sweltering summer months in Texas, but decided to pull them back out again because the office is so cold. (Why does everyone in Texas need their air conditioning set to 60!?) The good news? I still love the corduroys. The bad news? I fill them out much better than I did in the spring. Suffice it to say, it was a bit of a tight squeeze. Had you seen me at the office that day, you would have witnessed more than one grimace on my face.

What's that? A "P" next to that size 4? P as in petitite? Not anymore.

But this story has a bright side. Lose one pair of corduroys, gain one pair of capris. These capris were another score at Banana Republic. They have never fit me very well, unlike the treasured corduroys, but I bought them because they were on sale and I convinced myself I could make them fit. Not so much. Until now. They fit PERFECT. And I mean PERFECT.

See you in few months, corduroys. I will miss you so.

Today's side note: I love this picture. I can very easily pretend that's me in the picture. On a vacation. With food. Aaaaahhhh.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Doctors, Peaches, and Trimesters

Ushered in the holiday weekend with another visit to my fabulous doctor on Friday. All my blood work came back great. The doc said all my numbers & levels were perfect. Also, I now know my blood type is AB+. Always good to learn something about yourself. And I have gained a whopping three pounds (though it feels like ten).

Got to take a peak at Baby again. What a change in the past month! It actually looks like a baby now. No more tail! It seems we already have an active little one on our hands ... just wouldn't stay still.

So here we are in the first few days of month four and the second trimester. This is starting to sink in a little more, but still feels very unreal. Weird to hear myself using words like "trimester" in reference to myself. Second trimester. I am four months pregnant. There is a Baby the size of a peach in my womb. I have a womb. Yowza.

Today's side note: It's a baby, not a fetus. Hate that word.

The Obligatory Belly Picture - Month Four

Well, it's only been two weeks since I posted the last photo. Not much change. But I wanted to post these at the beginning of each month. So, in honor of the beginning of month four and the second trimester ...