Sunday, July 27, 2008

Visit Your Friends

My 10 year high school reunion was this weekend. I did not go. Instead I opted to more wisely spend my money on a trip to Good Records, probably the best record store in Dallas. This trip has been in the working for some time, so I had quite a "to buy" list. And thanks to a graduation gift from my brother, and my recent promotion and subsequent pay increase , I was able to buy more CDs in one visit than I really ever have in my entire life. Collin and I have been listening to my new buys all weekend.

In high school, I remember being afraid that I would get boring as I got older - particularly that I'd loose my taste in and love for music. But the 10 years since high school have proved otherwise. If anything, my taste in music has actually gotten better, more progressive.

I've always thought it's weird that for someone who loves music so much, I don't play an instrument. But I've come to the conclusion that I'm perfectly content reading interviews, buying albums, going to shows, and appreciating other people's handiwork.

All that to say, I'm happy with my choice to take a one hour trip to the record store. I walked away with a much better feeling than my two day high school reunion would have given me. (Though it would have been great to see you, Mel.) Maybe I'll feel more inspired to attend the 20 year reunion. But I doubt it.


Don said...

yeah! i feel the same way... i think my taste in mainstream music has diminished greatly, and i dont know all these 'hot new' 'artists', but i defintely had more money and resources to invest in more independent music. that said, the internet has blown the whole scene out of the water, so i still cant keep up.

and you really dont play ANYTHING? never did? it is frustrating to have such a love for something, and no talent or means to express it... i feel you there...

we missed you at the reunion, would have been the highlight. although melissa was there and gone before i ever got any time with her either...

michele said...

can your next post be your list? i'd like to see. in my college days we used to meet at lucky lou's every sunday night and two friends who had radio shows (the show that fell to earth and the adventure club) would bring their playlists-we would sit around and discuss all the goods and bads of their song selections. i love lists. also wanna see if there is anything from your list that i would like to check out! smiles.