It couldn't just be a bag ... it had to suit us. The one we found online turned out to be too small once I saw it in a store. Not to worry! We found the perfect replacement. As with any other bag I own, I sure hope I don't see anyone else with the same one. But I'll love it just the same if I do. With any further delay, please meet our diaper bag. (Thank you Lisa!!)
And here it is in action, sort of. Do I look mom ready or what?
Collin can use it as well! Baby should fit in there perfectly for bike rides with dad.
And check out the SUPER cute shoes my mom bought for Baby. They're corduroy! We've already discussed my love of corduroy. And the little "shoelaces"! So cute. Thanks mom.
Another present from a friend, Pee-Pee TeePees. Sure it's funny. But we're totally planning on using them. Only appropriate Collin model these for you.
Last but not least, our first box of diapers. YIKES!!!
Also, I got a haircut this weekend. Thought I'd throw in a belly picture or two as well.
you guys are so cute and excited! i love reading up on you :)
I love your hair!! You look wonderful (and so does Collin) The bag is awesome...wish they had diaper bags like that 'back in the day'. Mom S.
Love it! I was a FREAK about diaper bags. yes, BAGS. I had several. LOVE yours. I have diaper bag envy. you look beautiful and am sooooo happy for you.
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