First up ... decor! You gotta know one of the first things my mind rolled to upon this discovery was the baby room. It'll take a concerted effort on my part to NOT go completely crazy buying things. Good thing our budget is so tight! I will have no choice. Having said that, a purchase has already been made. I saw this a while ago but felt weird buying it because I wasn't pregnant. And at the time, I thought we were still ages away from pregnancy. Now that this is really happening, I have the green light.
Here it is, our first baby purchase. It suits me/us on so many levels. We're having it made into a larger print and it'll hang on the room door, front & center. A nice little reminder every time I pass by or enter the room ... no need for panic. No to mention it makes me laugh. A lot. This kid will have a sense of humor whether it wants one or not.

1 comment:
Becca, Wow! Nice redux, cute site. Something prophetic about the Door sign --Hallelujah! !RADNUM! You go girl. I am proud of U... Daddy-O
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