I will remind you every time, he's a baby not a fetus.

And while we're on the subject of ugly pictures, I have a great one for you. One of the websites I have been frequenting is thebump.com. Lucky for us, they now have a "baby morpher" where expectant parents across the country can get a glimpse of what they're precious child will look like. (I love that the example they use at the top of the web page is of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Because THAT'S relatable.) Feast your eyes on the future Baby Massey ...

So I'm diggin' the hair color, but why does he look like he's our age (30, for those of you who aren't keeping track). Do the circles under my eyes look that bad?! From which side of the family did he get those pursed lips?! Is he mad, bored, discontent?! As with the sweet potato picture, I am disappointed ... and also a little creeped-out. We thought this would be fun but we both just want to hurry up and delete the picture. Not before sharing it with you, of course.
1 comment:
Dear Becca Bear,
Sorry U do not like Sweet Potatoes they really R1 OD best veggies going -- I dig the fries 2...
D picture O a sweet potatoe really is the lamest pix I've seen O any tater...
D morph pix folks probably R not my favorite with some O their efforts either...
However, I am really excited about the new arrival -- Slay D fatted calf -- PARTY 4D Lord!!!
"Name Game" -- Shirely Ellis from D Oldie But Goody Days... Are U all still looking 4 a name? Joshua, Jeremiah, Daniel, Paul, Matthew... Just messing with U all...
School started on Tuesday this week so I am going into mild shook with going back to school B4 Labor is even here... That's D way it was when I went to Public School... Hard to break that habit...
Well Glory 2 God, Kids! Love U all. We R praying 4U all -- Hallelujah!
{{ ;<)
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