I am thankful for the abundant physical changes because it helps encourage our excitement and helps the reality of this sink in. Though I try to fight it (sometimes with a very clenched fist), I know the Lord is gently nudging me towards enthusiasm and joy about Baby Massey.
Just a reminder: it's a baby, not a fetus.

Most of the information I've read thus far states that women can feel the baby move anywhere between 14-26 weeks. Uh, that seems like a very large gap. So basically at some point in your pregnancy, you're going to feel the baby move. Thank you, experts. They also write that women with thinner, smaller frames may feel movement earlier on. It's been described as popcorn popping, gas bubbling, goldfish swimming. Right. Because I know what popcorn popping and swimming goldfish feel like. So gas bubbling it is.
This weekend, at some point in my long hours of sleep, I felt some of those said gas bubbles (which occur with more frequency now than blinking). BUT ... these were different; a little higher up and more like a flutter than a bubble. It's happened about four times this weekend, and all while I was lying down. Could it be that I felt Baby move!?!? This morning I felt a BIG flutter. Call it what you may; fluttering, bubbling, swimming, punching, gurgling ... I felt it. Good morning to you, too, kiddo. Sure, I'll get my lazy rear out of bed and go eat something.
i love this post! and you! I WANT TO HANG OUT SOON!
How exciting...Baby Massey is on the move! I always thought it was the most wonderful thing in the world when you first feel your baby move. Enjoy those first moments that only you and the baby can share. Grandma S.
Hey Becca,
Baby kicking -- 10th Wonder of the World... Mom for sure has the edge on the experience, but Dads always trip out on the 1st time they feel the Kid Kick...
Watch out for the 11th Wonder of the World -- Baby moving around and changing positions. You can see and feel the Baby move his arms and or legs as He pushes himself around your belly... That one is really something to behold. This one is a real mind blower, particularly as Abba reminds you daily that baby's God's gift to you!
This is Abba's bonding of Man & Wife and Parentals to the New Son! Hallelujah! Ain't it GREAT!!!
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