The Most Happy
Pretending I have it together & know what I'm doing.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Sting Like a Bee
Last week Eben had his first real doctor's appointment. And that meant shots. Four of them. Eben was such a trooper the whole way through & only got upset towards the end of the appointment ... when they stuck him with needles. I tend to be a worrier and can get myself freaked out about the stupidest of things. So, for the record, I'd like to point out that I handled Eben's shots quite well, too. I even watched. I remained even keel the entire time. Go Team Massey!
He was pretty tuckered out the rest of the day. He played it off, though. Just "chilled" in his swing for the afternoon. He obviously didn't want me to worry about his well-being.

We decided to switch pediatricians. I wasn't quite on-board with the doc we saw immediately following Eben's birth. So we decided to trust this maternal instinct of mine and pursue other options. Our first choice wasn't accepting new patients, so on to our second choice. Sometimes the Lord REALLY makes it easy for us ... no, don't go there; go here instead. And what a blessing! Dr. Ritter was excellent! She was super sweet, allowed us to ask as many questions as we wanted, and really took her time with Eben. I felt really comfortable with her, which was such an important factor to me. The office & the staff were much better, too. I feel SUPER relieved! Finding a good doctor is like finding a good mechanic.

Eben has grown about four inches and has gained about five pounds since birth. That explains the busting seams on his newborn sized clothes. Poor kid. I'd been cramming him into those tiny outfits about two weeks longer than I probably should have. I think he's really beginning to understand that mommy doesn't know what she's doing. In keeping with that theme -- this Saturday it was fairly chilly outside. Being that it may have been one of our last chilly days of the winter, we crammed his growing noggin' into a too small but too cute hat ...

And I FINALLY finished the sign for Eben's door. It's not really what I had pictured in my mind but when is it ever. I could always paint over it, change the ribbon, etc. But it'll do for now. Since I can't make up my mind about it I've decided to just leave it alone for a bit. Next project ... decor for the walls. I love the way Eben's room is coming together but the walls are completely bare at this point. Since our budget is beyond limited these days, I really gotta stretch my creative muscles. It'll be fun. Hopefully I can accomplish this task before Eben turns one.
He was pretty tuckered out the rest of the day. He played it off, though. Just "chilled" in his swing for the afternoon. He obviously didn't want me to worry about his well-being.
We decided to switch pediatricians. I wasn't quite on-board with the doc we saw immediately following Eben's birth. So we decided to trust this maternal instinct of mine and pursue other options. Our first choice wasn't accepting new patients, so on to our second choice. Sometimes the Lord REALLY makes it easy for us ... no, don't go there; go here instead. And what a blessing! Dr. Ritter was excellent! She was super sweet, allowed us to ask as many questions as we wanted, and really took her time with Eben. I felt really comfortable with her, which was such an important factor to me. The office & the staff were much better, too. I feel SUPER relieved! Finding a good doctor is like finding a good mechanic.
Eben has grown about four inches and has gained about five pounds since birth. That explains the busting seams on his newborn sized clothes. Poor kid. I'd been cramming him into those tiny outfits about two weeks longer than I probably should have. I think he's really beginning to understand that mommy doesn't know what she's doing. In keeping with that theme -- this Saturday it was fairly chilly outside. Being that it may have been one of our last chilly days of the winter, we crammed his growing noggin' into a too small but too cute hat ...
And I FINALLY finished the sign for Eben's door. It's not really what I had pictured in my mind but when is it ever. I could always paint over it, change the ribbon, etc. But it'll do for now. Since I can't make up my mind about it I've decided to just leave it alone for a bit. Next project ... decor for the walls. I love the way Eben's room is coming together but the walls are completely bare at this point. Since our budget is beyond limited these days, I really gotta stretch my creative muscles. It'll be fun. Hopefully I can accomplish this task before Eben turns one.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Weekly Eben
Monday, February 21, 2011
Weekly Eben & Adult Beverages
Eben is becoming more aware of his surroundings and is beginning to react to the things I shove in his face everyday. I can't help myself. I really am just so eager for him to smile, giggle, play. Many months ago I bought a little rattle from IKEA. This week was the first time he actually seemed interested in the rattle we call Mr. Hippo.
I promise I did not pose these pictures.

Also this week, it was my pleasure to welcome one of my favorite things back into my life ... WINE. A varietal I've become particularly fond of is Malbec. OK, I'm not just fond of it. I absolutely love it. Collin brought home a bottle of Malbec this weekend and it was a perfect match for the meal I made Friday night: margarita pizza & caesar salad. I've been on a winning streak lately with our meals. Seriously. (Yes, I'm bragging.) Doesn't that pizza look tasty? I should have made two of them.
I promise I did not pose these pictures.
Also this week, it was my pleasure to welcome one of my favorite things back into my life ... WINE. A varietal I've become particularly fond of is Malbec. OK, I'm not just fond of it. I absolutely love it. Collin brought home a bottle of Malbec this weekend and it was a perfect match for the meal I made Friday night: margarita pizza & caesar salad. I've been on a winning streak lately with our meals. Seriously. (Yes, I'm bragging.) Doesn't that pizza look tasty? I should have made two of them.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I mentioned earlier that I was eager for Eben to grow up so that he could be more self-sufficient. Yes this is very true (I'm selfish, remember). But I'm also eager for him to grow because I want to talk to him, play with him, have fun with him. We have discovered an activity that will somewhat satisfy me for the time being. Enter the Infantino Li'l Lion's Happy Hang Out Activity Gym. The name says it all!
Eben doesn't quite know what's going just yet but you can see the wheels turning as he looks at all the colors and as things move when he hits them ... you can often catch the hint of a smile, too. And there's nothing quite as fantastic as listening to my husband and my son play together in the living room as I cook dinner.
Wanted to post a video but I can't get it to work. These blurry photos will have to suffice.

Eben doesn't quite know what's going just yet but you can see the wheels turning as he looks at all the colors and as things move when he hits them ... you can often catch the hint of a smile, too. And there's nothing quite as fantastic as listening to my husband and my son play together in the living room as I cook dinner.
Wanted to post a video but I can't get it to work. These blurry photos will have to suffice.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Weekly Eben
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Random Opinions on Motherhood (so far)
- Life with a newborn would not be such a difficult adjustment were I not so in-love with sleeping. Seriously. The adjustment would also be easier were I not such a pessimist. More to pray about ...
- I did not drink Dr Pepper through the entirety of my pregnancy. Eben was born on Christmas day and I have since consumed enough of the beverage to compensate for the lost time. So the circles under my eyes could be from the loss of sleep, the occasional emotional breakdown, or the Dr Pepper overdose. Though I admit it is entirely possible I am afflicted by all three.
- Parenting books and magazines do more harm than good. Normally I am all for educating and preparing oneself, but mostly the material just freaks me out and makes me think I'll be nothing but a failure at parenting. The phrase the most runs through my mind as I read is, "I'll never be able remember that or do this." Also, do I really care about what Kourtney Kardashian has to say about motherhood? No. Absolutely not.
- As much as I want Eben to grow up and be self-sufficient, something tells me I will miss these early baby days once they are gone. It's because I'm selfish and don't want to give up my time; I want to do the things I want to do. So what I'm looking for is a roommate. I need to let go of that and enjoy newborn Eben. OK, I admit it ... we've had some very sweet moments together, even during those late night hours WHEN HE WILL NOT GO TO SLEEP.
- Since Eben does not yet speak I maintain a dialogue on his behalf, guessing what I think this or that facial expression means. So I'm basically having a conversation with myself all day.
- I did not drink Dr Pepper through the entirety of my pregnancy. Eben was born on Christmas day and I have since consumed enough of the beverage to compensate for the lost time. So the circles under my eyes could be from the loss of sleep, the occasional emotional breakdown, or the Dr Pepper overdose. Though I admit it is entirely possible I am afflicted by all three.
- Parenting books and magazines do more harm than good. Normally I am all for educating and preparing oneself, but mostly the material just freaks me out and makes me think I'll be nothing but a failure at parenting. The phrase the most runs through my mind as I read is, "I'll never be able remember that or do this." Also, do I really care about what Kourtney Kardashian has to say about motherhood? No. Absolutely not.
- As much as I want Eben to grow up and be self-sufficient, something tells me I will miss these early baby days once they are gone. It's because I'm selfish and don't want to give up my time; I want to do the things I want to do. So what I'm looking for is a roommate. I need to let go of that and enjoy newborn Eben. OK, I admit it ... we've had some very sweet moments together, even during those late night hours WHEN HE WILL NOT GO TO SLEEP.
- Since Eben does not yet speak I maintain a dialogue on his behalf, guessing what I think this or that facial expression means. So I'm basically having a conversation with myself all day.
Because He's Mine & I Can Do What I Want
We used to have a cat until he ran away (a.k.a someone stole him) on Thanksgiving day a year ago. And he was a lovely, lovely cat. So lovely that all we ever did was take pictures of him; everything he did was so cute, we just had to photograph it. Collin and I used to joke about it ... if we went that crazy with an adorable cat, imagine what we'd be like as parents. Well, here we go!
Not only are we Eben's parents and therefore completely biased, but our sweet baby boy is in fact adorable. People agree with us regularly. We already have dozens of pictures and he can't even lift his head yet. Help us when he starts smiling, playing, etc. In recognition of Eben's cute factor, I will select ONE picture from the many taken each week and post it under the heading "Weekly Eben". Don't misunderstand me -- there will be many, many pictures posted. "Weekly Eben" will just give me an excuse to look through our pictures each week, pick my favorite, then post on the internet.
Here is this week's favorite. I love, love, love this picture. That face! Collin took this picture on his iPhone; a rare diaper moment when Eben wasn't crying. He's not so fond of the diaper changes just yet.

(I did not include a picture of our lovely cat, Manji, because it makes us sad to think of him. Though neither of us miss cleaning up his vomit.)
Not only are we Eben's parents and therefore completely biased, but our sweet baby boy is in fact adorable. People agree with us regularly. We already have dozens of pictures and he can't even lift his head yet. Help us when he starts smiling, playing, etc. In recognition of Eben's cute factor, I will select ONE picture from the many taken each week and post it under the heading "Weekly Eben". Don't misunderstand me -- there will be many, many pictures posted. "Weekly Eben" will just give me an excuse to look through our pictures each week, pick my favorite, then post on the internet.
Here is this week's favorite. I love, love, love this picture. That face! Collin took this picture on his iPhone; a rare diaper moment when Eben wasn't crying. He's not so fond of the diaper changes just yet.
(I did not include a picture of our lovely cat, Manji, because it makes us sad to think of him. Though neither of us miss cleaning up his vomit.)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Unto Us a Son Is Born (will we ever sleep again)
Yes, it's been just over a month since I updated the blog. Apologies. I've had a newborn to tend to and a new schedule to adjust to.
Eben Christopher Massey was born on Saturday, December 25, 2010, at 12:58pm.
I cannot believe it's been a month since he was born. The days have flown by. It's been a blur of feedings, diapers, visitors, etc etc etc. I think things are starting to settle down but this really is a lesson on flexibility and taking things one hour at a time. What worked yesterday probably won't work today.
Since it's been so long since I posted and I feel I can't adequately process and express what's happened over the past month, I'll just put up some pictures and we'll start from scratch going forward. In honor of this new start, I've "re-designed" the blog. New baby, new year, new life.

Eben Christopher Massey was born on Saturday, December 25, 2010, at 12:58pm.
I cannot believe it's been a month since he was born. The days have flown by. It's been a blur of feedings, diapers, visitors, etc etc etc. I think things are starting to settle down but this really is a lesson on flexibility and taking things one hour at a time. What worked yesterday probably won't work today.
Since it's been so long since I posted and I feel I can't adequately process and express what's happened over the past month, I'll just put up some pictures and we'll start from scratch going forward. In honor of this new start, I've "re-designed" the blog. New baby, new year, new life.
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Obligatory Belly Picture - Month NINE (!!!)
Here we are week, 38. Unbelievable! So little time left before baby arrives. I'm probably about as prepared for this as I can be. Many prayers will be said over the next couple of weeks ... and they will continue for years as we raise this boy.
I asked Collin the other night at what point will this sink in and begin to feel real. I have a six pound baby in my belly - who is constantly moving and reminding me he's there - and yet I still can't wrap my head around the reality of it. Regardless, I am undeniably pregnant and this is absolutely happening.

Notice anything? (Aside from the ever-protruding belly.) Yup. Short hair. Unplanned short hair, I should say. I went in Saturday for my last pre-motherhood haircut thinking I would just trim things up a bit, get the style cute and in-shape once more before parenthood sucks us dry of all monetary resources and I can never go to the stylist again. This is what I walked away with ...

Take my word for it, my hair looks nothing like the picture I brought in and is nothing like I wanted. Immediately upon my departure I sent Collin a text message, "Wow. My hair is short." Lucky for the stylist I actually like it and am not livid. (Though a "This Isn't What You Wanted" discount would have been nice.) I suppose she inadvertently did me a favor -- this haircut is definitely easier and requires less maintenance. And Collin likes it, too, which is essential.
So I'm back to being a short-haired gal. If only I had known. I would have paid proper respects to the soft, pretty hair I was about to lose.
Oh! Collin put the changing table together this weekend. I think it gave him more trouble than all of the other furniture combined, but he remained in high spirits and conquered the task.

Anyone who even remotely knows me understands my deep affection for all things IKEA. About 80% of our home is IKEA product. At this time I'd like to extend my deepest appreciation to the company for reminding us in over ten different languages - on all three shelves of the table - that we should never leave our very small child unattended during the diaper changing process, nor should the changing table serve as a jungle gym at any point. Duly noted. We'll try IKEA. We'll try.
(You can see where Collin tried to rub off the notice, so obviously he doesn't plan on heeding their warnings.)
I asked Collin the other night at what point will this sink in and begin to feel real. I have a six pound baby in my belly - who is constantly moving and reminding me he's there - and yet I still can't wrap my head around the reality of it. Regardless, I am undeniably pregnant and this is absolutely happening.
Notice anything? (Aside from the ever-protruding belly.) Yup. Short hair. Unplanned short hair, I should say. I went in Saturday for my last pre-motherhood haircut thinking I would just trim things up a bit, get the style cute and in-shape once more before parenthood sucks us dry of all monetary resources and I can never go to the stylist again. This is what I walked away with ...
Take my word for it, my hair looks nothing like the picture I brought in and is nothing like I wanted. Immediately upon my departure I sent Collin a text message, "Wow. My hair is short." Lucky for the stylist I actually like it and am not livid. (Though a "This Isn't What You Wanted" discount would have been nice.) I suppose she inadvertently did me a favor -- this haircut is definitely easier and requires less maintenance. And Collin likes it, too, which is essential.
So I'm back to being a short-haired gal. If only I had known. I would have paid proper respects to the soft, pretty hair I was about to lose.
Oh! Collin put the changing table together this weekend. I think it gave him more trouble than all of the other furniture combined, but he remained in high spirits and conquered the task.
Anyone who even remotely knows me understands my deep affection for all things IKEA. About 80% of our home is IKEA product. At this time I'd like to extend my deepest appreciation to the company for reminding us in over ten different languages - on all three shelves of the table - that we should never leave our very small child unattended during the diaper changing process, nor should the changing table serve as a jungle gym at any point. Duly noted. We'll try IKEA. We'll try.
(You can see where Collin tried to rub off the notice, so obviously he doesn't plan on heeding their warnings.)
Friday, December 17, 2010
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like A Baby's Room
So here we are, about three weeks away from baby and things are really falling into place. Thanks to the help of so many marvelous people, we are well supplied and stocked with various forms of baby gear. I'm having fun looking at all of it ... imaging what baby will look like in certain outfits, what life with him will be like, etc.
What used to be the computer room has transformed into a guest room/baby room. Because of visiting grandparents, the room still won't be in its final form for a little while (gotta keep that sweet futon for just a bit longer). But the room is definitely taking shape. It's even beginning to smell like a baby with the growing stash of diapers and baby products.
The carpet has been cleaned. The walls have been painted. We went with white paint to make it easier on ourselves long-term. Since we're just renting the house we'd have to return the room to its original state before moving. Though the creative side of me would LOVE to paint with color, I feel great just having clean, fresh paint on the walls -- even if it is hospital white.
Proof of our progress ...

I should also mention that Collin put together the stroller, the crib, and the chair without uttering a single expletive. Also worth noting -- I accomplished the same while putting together the dresser. And we all know I'm the one with the potty mouth in this house.
I bought this nightlight from OXO, a company who's kitchen gadgets I love. It's smaller than I expected (I ordered it online), but I still love it. It emits the perfect amount of cozy light in baby's room. And it'll last forever! No battery change, no light bulb change.

Slight downside to baby showers (AKA, where am I going to put all of it!?):

Major upside to baby showers: cake!!!!!!!

Side note: not sure that I would buy this for my kid, but it sure does make me laugh. A lot.
What used to be the computer room has transformed into a guest room/baby room. Because of visiting grandparents, the room still won't be in its final form for a little while (gotta keep that sweet futon for just a bit longer). But the room is definitely taking shape. It's even beginning to smell like a baby with the growing stash of diapers and baby products.
The carpet has been cleaned. The walls have been painted. We went with white paint to make it easier on ourselves long-term. Since we're just renting the house we'd have to return the room to its original state before moving. Though the creative side of me would LOVE to paint with color, I feel great just having clean, fresh paint on the walls -- even if it is hospital white.
Proof of our progress ...
I should also mention that Collin put together the stroller, the crib, and the chair without uttering a single expletive. Also worth noting -- I accomplished the same while putting together the dresser. And we all know I'm the one with the potty mouth in this house.
I bought this nightlight from OXO, a company who's kitchen gadgets I love. It's smaller than I expected (I ordered it online), but I still love it. It emits the perfect amount of cozy light in baby's room. And it'll last forever! No battery change, no light bulb change.
Slight downside to baby showers (AKA, where am I going to put all of it!?):
Major upside to baby showers: cake!!!!!!!
Side note: not sure that I would buy this for my kid, but it sure does make me laugh. A lot.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Obligatory Belly Picture - Month Eight
I have slacked severely in the blog department. Combination of items receive the blame: 1.) I'm nine months pregnant and moving slower than I ever have, 2.) I'm nine months pregnant and perpetually tired, 3.) I'm nine months pregnant and haven't had a caffeinated beverage in such a very long time, 4.) time is flying even faster than it did pre-pregnancy, 5.) I give myself a "to do" list so long I'll never be able to complete it.
But with a few swift key strokes, my neglect is remedied.
Here I am around 34 weeks pregnant. Don't I look thrilled!

Our fabulous doctor says all is progressing well; I'm looking good and baby is looking good. I've gained about forty some pounds at this point. I'm still amazed at my girth. I keep waiting for it to stop (or at least slow down) but each appoointment tips the scale further and further east towards those bug numbers. Stuff I've read says the average weight gain at this stage in pregnancy is 25-30 pounds. RUBBISH! But enough about me and my weight ...
Here's baby! Not much detail in this image, but you can see his arm (sort of) and his little nose and mouth. Our fabulous doctor believes baby will arrive on schedule and is predicting baby will arrive around the 8th or 9th. (Official due date is January 7th.) THAT IS A MONTH FROM NOW. Oh ... my ... goodness.

Side note: Hot chocolate is my new favorite thing. Cannot get enough!
But with a few swift key strokes, my neglect is remedied.
Here I am around 34 weeks pregnant. Don't I look thrilled!
Our fabulous doctor says all is progressing well; I'm looking good and baby is looking good. I've gained about forty some pounds at this point. I'm still amazed at my girth. I keep waiting for it to stop (or at least slow down) but each appoointment tips the scale further and further east towards those bug numbers. Stuff I've read says the average weight gain at this stage in pregnancy is 25-30 pounds. RUBBISH! But enough about me and my weight ...
Here's baby! Not much detail in this image, but you can see his arm (sort of) and his little nose and mouth. Our fabulous doctor believes baby will arrive on schedule and is predicting baby will arrive around the 8th or 9th. (Official due date is January 7th.) THAT IS A MONTH FROM NOW. Oh ... my ... goodness.
Side note: Hot chocolate is my new favorite thing. Cannot get enough!

Friday, November 26, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The Ties that Bind
A few weekends ago I was able to fly home to Albuquerque for a visit with the parents. It was a short trip, yes, but a good trip regardless. Given that we hadn't seen each other in almost two years, it was a sweet reunion - made even more so by pregnancy and the little boy I'm carrying. Could there be two more excited grandparents?!
It was good to be around family, feel loved, get away from work, see the mountains, breath crisp air, eat good food (a lot of it!). And that was just on day one.
Mom & dad didn't hold back on the pampering. Have to admit, that was enjoyable. As an adult the times of feeling "special" are few and far between. You get used to being a number, an employee, a participant, a customer, a patient. So to feel "special" again - in a way only parents can achieve - was rejuvenating. I look forward to doing the same for my children.

Even though Matthew lives in Dallas and we get to spend time with him, I cannot speak of family time without mentioning my dearest brother. (Hope you don't mind me posting a pic of you on the internets.)

Also ... WE HAVE A STROLLER AND CAR SEAT!!! Reference aforementioned parental pampering.
It was good to be around family, feel loved, get away from work, see the mountains, breath crisp air, eat good food (a lot of it!). And that was just on day one.
Mom & dad didn't hold back on the pampering. Have to admit, that was enjoyable. As an adult the times of feeling "special" are few and far between. You get used to being a number, an employee, a participant, a customer, a patient. So to feel "special" again - in a way only parents can achieve - was rejuvenating. I look forward to doing the same for my children.

Even though Matthew lives in Dallas and we get to spend time with him, I cannot speak of family time without mentioning my dearest brother. (Hope you don't mind me posting a pic of you on the internets.)
Also ... WE HAVE A STROLLER AND CAR SEAT!!! Reference aforementioned parental pampering.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Obligatory Belly Picture - Month Seven
Well, here we are at week 30 in month seven. Crazy!! Time has flown by unbelievably fast. Things seem to be moving along just as they should be and we are so thankful. I'm growing and "glowing", Baby is growing and kicking. Collin is my favorite and is officially the best husband ever ... providing back rubs, helping with the chores, listening to me complain, comforting me when I'm upset (over something usually very stupid).

In case you've forgotten (because I certainly have) this is what I used to look like, back when Baby was the size of a blueberry. What a difference about five months and thirty pounds make!

And Baby is now the size of a butternut squash or small pumpkin. Given the time of the year, it seems most appropriate we go with pumpkin ...

Or if you prefer the more realistic ...

Can't leave anyone out! Here's Collin, all geared-up in his super sexy bike attire. (I'm gaining all the weight Collin is losing. Seriously.)
In case you've forgotten (because I certainly have) this is what I used to look like, back when Baby was the size of a blueberry. What a difference about five months and thirty pounds make!
And Baby is now the size of a butternut squash or small pumpkin. Given the time of the year, it seems most appropriate we go with pumpkin ...

Or if you prefer the more realistic ...

Can't leave anyone out! Here's Collin, all geared-up in his super sexy bike attire. (I'm gaining all the weight Collin is losing. Seriously.)
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